Explosive dummy soldier
Title (Dublin Core)
Explosive dummy soldier
Description (Dublin Core)
An explosive dummy soldiers that was rumored to have been left in an abandoned trench by the Germans.
Caption "The death-trap left by the Germans in a locality they were compelled to evacuate. The figure contained high explosives"
Article title "Shoot or stab this dummy and you'll be blown up"
Article ""BOOBY traps," as the. British call them, are dummy soldiers containing a large amount of high explosive. They are death traps set by the Germans for their enemies. Scientifically and painstakingly constructed, the dummy shown would have blown to pieces anyone who touched it. Fortunately the British "smelled a rat." They would not touch it. Careful in- vestigation proved that it was noth- i n g more than a c 1 e v e/ 1 y - contrived bomb. A descrip- tion of the dummy which reached this country does not contain an explanation of how it could have been ex- ploded. The British re- ports have not de- scribed its internal organism. Conjectures are many. Some believe that a fall resulting from the slightest jolt would have caused the explosion. "
Subject (Dublin Core)
World War, 1914-1918
Source (Dublin Core)
Date Issued (Dublin Core)
Language (Dublin Core)
Publisher (Dublin Core)
Modern Publishing Company
Bibliographic Citation (Dublin Core)
Popular Science Monthly, v. 91, n. 4, p. 555
Rights (Dublin Core)
Public Domain