Electronically Heated Clothes


Title (Dublin Core)

Electronically Heated Clothes

Subject (Dublin Core)

Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)

Aviators Use Electrically Heated Clothes
Caption: Two Members of the British Royal Flying Corps Are Here Seen In the Act of Donning Electrically Heated Gloves and Foot Insoles, Preparatory to Making a Night Trip Over the
German Lines.

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Underwood and Underwood (photo)

Language (Dublin Core)


Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)

Date Issued (Dublin Core)


Is Part Of (Dublin Core)

pages (Bibliographic Ontology)


Rights (Dublin Core)

Public domain

References (Dublin Core)

Archived by (Dublin Core)

Catherine Kwalton
Mikhail Vsemirnov
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

Item sets