Electric sirens Warn Paris of Air Raids


Title (Dublin Core)

Electric sirens Warn Paris of Air Raids

Subject (Dublin Core)

Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)

Electric sirens Warn Paris of Air Raids
Caption 1: This Gigantic Electric Siren, Installed on the Tower of Notre Dame, is but One of the Twenty -six Fixt "Aerial Alarm" Sirens Installed All Over Paris to Warn the People.
Caption 2: Paris Has Many of These Electric Sirens Installed on Chimney Tops and Other Elevated Points to Warn of Aerial Attacks.
Caption 3: A French Electric Siren of the Bierlot Vertical Type. It Is Operated By a Motor in the Base and is Provided With a Magnetic Controller at the Top, which Permits of Rapidly Opening and Closing Its Raucous Throat, So That Telegraphic Signals
Can Be Transmitted When Desired.
Caption 4: First Electric Siren Installed In New York City in the Theater District for Warning Against Aerial Attacks. Many of These Will Be Used Thruout the City.
Caption 5: Another View of the New York Electric Siren Shown In Fig. 4. It is Fitted With a Two Horsepower Motor and Can Be Heard for Two Miles.

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Underwood & Underwood (photo)

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Rights (Dublin Core)

Public domain

References (Dublin Core)

Archived by (Dublin Core)

Jan Ovnik
PDF pages: 10-11
Mikhail Vsemirnov
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)

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