Aerial Mono-Flyer of the Future


Title (Dublin Core)

Aerial Mono-Flyer of the Future

Subject (Dublin Core)

Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)

Aerial Mono-Flyer of the Future
Caption 1: Semi- sectional Side View and Center of the "Aerial Mono -flyer of the Future," Which Can Run Along a Single Steel Cable Stretching Across Deep Ravines and Canyons. It Is Propelled by Powerful Alr Propellers Driven by Electric Motors. The Motors, Lights and Signals Are Furnished with Current thru a Special Duplex Cable and a Double- contact Trolley Wheel.
Caption 2: Sectional View Thru Modern Electric Gyroscopic Stabilizer for Use on Ship- board. "A" is the Heavy Steel Rotor Wheel Driven by the Electric Motor "C ". The Gyro Usually Weighs Less Than One Percent of the Vessel's Gross Weight.
Caption 3: Appearance of Electric Stabilizing Gyroscope of the Sperry Type, intended for installation on a Fast Submarine Chaser. A is the Small Electric Motor Driving 24 -Inch Diameter Rotor at 4,000 R.P.M. It Prevents the Ship Rolling On Heavy Seas.

Contributor (Dublin Core)

H. Winfield Secor (writer)

Language (Dublin Core)


Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)

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Rights (Dublin Core)

Public Domain

References (Dublin Core)

Archived by (Dublin Core)

Jan Ovnik
PDF pages: 14-15
Mikhail Vsemirnov
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

Item sets