Reviving the Chain Shot to Destroy Radio and Other Aerial Wires
Title (Dublin Core)
Reviving the Chain Shot to Destroy Radio and Other Aerial Wires
Subject (Dublin Core)
Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)
Reviving the Chain Shot to Destroy Radio and Other Aerial Wires
Caption: A New War tnventlon I5 a Split "Chain Shell" That Automatically Explodes at a Given
Range. It Should Prove Particularly Valuable In Destroying Radio Antennae and Other
Wire Structures.
Range. It Should Prove Particularly Valuable In Destroying Radio Antennae and Other
Wire Structures.
Language (Dublin Core)
Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)
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pages (Bibliographic Ontology)
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Archived by (Dublin Core)
Catherine Kwalton
Mikhail Vsemirnov
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)