Wireless Station in French Trench


Title (Dublin Core)

Wireless Station in French Trench

Subject (Dublin Core)

Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)

Wireless Station in French Trench
Caption: In a Second Line French Trench We Find Thls Interesting, Battle -Front Radio Station. The Aerial Is a Low Affair, so as Not to Be Easily Seen by the Enemy. The Apparatus Is Placed in the Dug-out at the Right.

Contributor (Dublin Core)

International Film Service (photo)

Language (Dublin Core)


Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)

Date Issued (Dublin Core)


Is Part Of (Dublin Core)

pages (Bibliographic Ontology)


Rights (Dublin Core)

Public domain

Archived by (Dublin Core)

Mikhail Vsemirnov
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)

Item sets