Skunk Gasser


Title (Dublin Core)

Skunk Gasser

Subject (Dublin Core)

Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)

Phoney Patents
Caption: Prize Winner. SKUNK GASSER. "Well, I've Been Skunked." Will Soon Be Heard Among the European Trench Inhabitants-at Least Just as Soon as I Can Get Official Washington to Consider the Merits of My Sure -fire Hun Destroyer. Several Hundred Battalions of Tame Skunks Are Hitched to Small Two -wheeled Carts, Each Containing a Dynamo, Motor, Storage Battery, and Spark Coil. Dynamo Charges Battery, Which Runs Motor. Motor Drives Cart. Skunk Can't Stop Once Spark Tickles Him. The Limburger- lovers Are Soon "Skunked" and the Sammle. Do the Rest. Inventor, Rex Purcell, Mo. Valley, Iowa.

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Rex Purcell (inventor)

Language (Dublin Core)


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Rights (Dublin Core)

Public domain

References (Dublin Core)

Archived by (Dublin Core)

Mikhail Vsemirnov
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

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