Aerial Searchlight


Title (Dublin Core)

Aerial Searchlight

Subject (Dublin Core)

Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)

One Unwlecome Way of Greeting Enermy Aeroplanes
Caption 1: To guard the shores of Long Island, New York, agains aerial attacks the goverment has installed a five hundred million-candle-power serachlight on the aviation field at Hempstead. The light is to be used in cooperation with anti-aircraft guns, to locate and destroy any invading enemy craft
Caption 2: To test the searchlight, aviators will go up in biplanes, followed by "enemy" craft. The huge light will "find" the enemy, after which our aviators will emerge from the darkness and give chase. If any of the enemy escape, our men are supposed to follow them beyond the searchlight radius until they are captured.

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Photo Central News (photo)

Language (Dublin Core)


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Rights (Dublin Core)

Public Domain

Archived by (Dublin Core)

Besleu Dinu
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)

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