Electrical eaves-dropping
Title (Dublin Core)
Electrical eaves-dropping
Subject (Dublin Core)
Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)
Electrical Eaves-Dropping by the Signal Corps of the United States Army
Caption 1: The dictagraph receivers are put anywhere they will be handy. Here is one being placed in a tree top
Caption 2: Listening for the sound of operations by enemy sappers. This often entails a great deal of danger and discomfort
Caption 3: Crawling up to an enemy trench to place a transmitter, which is cunningly camouflaged in a battered tomato can
Caption 4: A trench receiving station where the conversation and movements overheard by the transmitter are noted
Contributor (Dublin Core)
Western Newspaper Union (photos)
Language (Dublin Core)
Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)
Date Issued (Dublin Core)
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pages (Bibliographic Ontology)
Rights (Dublin Core)
Public Domain (Google digitized)
Source (Dublin Core)
References (Dublin Core)
Archived by (Dublin Core)
Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)