Aerial reconnaissance


Title (Dublin Core)

Aerial reconnaissance

Subject (Dublin Core)

Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)

The eyes in the air. All aboard for a reconnaissance flight over the German lines
Caption 1: Soldiers in one of the winding trenches of a shell-pitted battlefield. Military information of the kind which this picture contains is carefully noted by the observer who engages in Corps reconnaissance. Considerable deductive power is necessary
Caption 2: Army reconnaissance observers study enemy airdromes, make a note of the number of hangars and planes on the ground and watch the movements in towns and large encampment

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Henry Bruno (writer)

Language (Dublin Core)


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Rights (Dublin Core)

Public Domain (Google digitized)

Source (Dublin Core)

References (Dublin Core)

Archived by (Dublin Core)

Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

Item sets