Military Hand Litter


Title (Dublin Core)

Military Hand Litter

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New Ways of Using the Military Hand Litter. It Can Be Made a Valuable Help to Surgery
Caption 1: Tying the foot of the injured side with the left front litter sling. The first step toward immobilization
Caption 2: Major H. R. Allen, M.R. C, who has much improved the army litter
Caption 3: By straps and slings the patient is held immovably, even though the litter be turned over completely
Caption 4: This shows how complete mobilization is achieved, by means of slings, when all extremities of patient are broken
Caption 5: Litter with the patient on its turned to horizontal position. Second step toward mobilization
Caption 6: Immobilization is maintained even though the the litter be carby the handles of one side only
Caption 7: The litter may even be turned on end with the patient's head down with out disturbing fractures
Caption 8: In a case of emergency one man can carry the litter with the immobilized patient on his back without risk or danger

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Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

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