The Dove of Peace Is Resting, but the Doves of War Are Active Enough


Title (Dublin Core)

The Dove of Peace Is Resting, but the Doves of War Are Active Enough

Subject (Dublin Core)

Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)

The Dove of Peace Is Resting, but the Doves of War Are Active Enough
Caption 1: Carrier pigeons offered to the government for use at the war front are first tried out. They must be wise as a judge, swift of wing and of great endurance to be useful
Caption 2: At the training station near Washington, D. C, not only the pigeons but also the men who handle them are trained. The soldier in the picture fastens message to pigeon's leg
Caption 3: Under the control of the Intelligence Bureau of the Signal Corps thousands of carrier pigeons are trained for service at the front. The picture shows a row of cotes and above them pigeons in exercise flight. These birds are used to carry messages from the front the the headquarters behind the lines. This picture shoes how the capsule containing the message is fastened on to the pigeon's leg for safe conveyance

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Int. Film Serv. (photos)

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Rights (Dublin Core)

Public Domain (Google digitized)

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References (Dublin Core)

Archived by (Dublin Core)

Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

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