With Drill, Telephone, and Electric Implements the Modern Surgeon Salves War's Human Wreck


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With Drill, Telephone, and Electric Implements the Modern Surgeon Salves War's Human Wreck

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With Drill, Telephone, and Electric Implements the Modern Surgeon Salves War's Human Wreck
Caption 1: Using one of the new electric bullet detectors. A bell tinkles when the embedded bullet or splinter is encountered
Caption 2: Some simple instruments which are used in probing for bullets or shell splinters in the limbs or body
Caption 3: This shows the method of taking radiographs of the human head in the military hospitals
Caption 4: Drilling through the skull is made easier and safer by the use of the precision drill. This is far ahead of the old style trephine
Caption 5: This electric cutter is used to great advantage in cutting plaster of paris casts when the doctor desires to remove them
Caption 6: The new electric bullet detector is shown here all folded up in its compact carrying case

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Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

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