Paintings for training


Title (Dublin Core)

Paintings for training

Subject (Dublin Core)

Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)

Teaching Machine-Gunners to Fire at Art. How paintings worth thousands, the work of famous artists, are used to develop skill in gunnery
Caption 1: The aims of war are to aim so as to score. A faithful reproduction of a landscape gives the gunner a sense of distance and proportion not otherwise easily acquired
Caption 2: Machine-gunners learn from artistic reproductions of the terrain how to judge of distance
and of the interrelation of objects. Art with a capital A helps them to become experts

Contributor (Dublin Core)

John Walker Harrington (writer)

Language (Dublin Core)


Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)

Date Issued (Dublin Core)


Is Part Of (Dublin Core)

pages (Bibliographic Ontology)


Rights (Dublin Core)

Public Domain (Google digitized)

Source (Dublin Core)

References (Dublin Core)

Archived by (Dublin Core)

Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

Item sets