Synthetic Ammonia Makers


Title (Dublin Core)

Synthetic Ammonia Makers

Subject (Dublin Core)

Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)

Snatching the Ingredients of Victory from Air and Water. Our Ammonia Makers Perform the Incredible Feat of Taking Something from Nothing to Give Us an Unlimited Supply of Explosives and Fertilizers

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Albert Q. Maisel (writer)

Language (Dublin Core)


Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)

Date Issued (Dublin Core)


Is Part Of (Dublin Core)

pages (Bibliographic Ontology)


Rights (Dublin Core)

Public Domain (Google digitized)

Source (Dublin Core)

References (Dublin Core)

Archived by (Dublin Core)

Matteo Ridolfi
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)

Item sets