Anti-aircraft gunner's training


Title (Dublin Core)

Anti-aircraft gunner's training

Subject (Dublin Core)

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Training the Anti-Aircraft Gunner. Why not use free balloons shaped like airplanes
Caption: Trap-shooting is an excellent training for bird-hunters. Shooting with an anti-aircraft gun at an airplane is somewhat like shooting with a shotgun at flying duck or snipe-only more difficult. Anti-aircraft gunners need previous training even more than bird-hunters. Why not let them go through a course of modified trap-shooting, with balloons shaped like airplanes as targets, instead of clay pigeons? Another plan would be to let them shoot at balloons or kites, towed with great speed by powerful dirigibles

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Carl Dienstbach (writer)

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Archived by (Dublin Core)

Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

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