How the German Cables Were Diverted


Title (Dublin Core)

How the German Cables Were Diverted

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How the German Cables Were Diverted. A war measure establishes a scientific fact
Caption 1: From Brest to Monrovia the Dacia steamed, recovering severed German cables. Hardly was the task accomplished than the ship was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine
Caption 2: The cable-ship Dacia picked up the German cable at a depth of two and a quarter miles, and hauled it to the surface: the feat necessitated the overcoming of many serious difficulties
Caption 3: A special grapnel was devised for the purpose of raising the cable; the operation was a very delicate one owing to the fact that the German cable was laid under those of the Allies
Caption 4: This is the cable-ship Dacia, which was outfitted during the war for the work of retrieving German deep-sea cables and of rearranging them for use by the French government
Caption 5: Showing the interior of a cable tank of the ship Dacia, where the cable was wound on a huge spool until it was relaid
Caption 6: Four months after the work of reclaiming the German cable was started, the ends were respliced by the method shown here and then it was used by the Allies

Contributor (Dublin Core)

P. J Risdon (writer)

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Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

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