How a British sailor managed to escape from a sunking submarine


Title (Dublin Core)

How a British sailor managed to escape from a sunking submarine

Subject (Dublin Core)

Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)

Title: Trapped in a Sunken Submarine
Subtitle: Tons of water pressed down on the hatch. How could he escape? Recollection of an old physics lesson saved him from death

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Joseph Brinker (Article writer)

Language (Dublin Core)


Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)

Date Issued (Dublin Core)


Is Part Of (Dublin Core)

pages (Bibliographic Ontology)


Rights (Dublin Core)

Public Domain (Google digitized)

Source (Dublin Core)

References (Dublin Core)

Archived by (Dublin Core)

Davide Donà
Marco Bortolami (editor)

Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)

Item sets