The War of the Future


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The War of the Future

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Civilization Must Abolish War or War Will Destroy Civilization. Prophetic pictures, based on statements by famous men, show why disarmament is the great international problem
Caption 1: These pictures reveal the alternatives to the prevention of another world war. Public opinion is awakening to the fact that unless the Washington Disarmament Conference paves the way toward peace, no mode of destruction will be banned in the next conflict
Caption 2: The soldier of the next war will be clad constantly in gas armor made of impervious materials smeared with chemicals. The suit pictured was developed by the American army
Caption 3: There will be no declaration of war. Hostilities will be inaugurated by myriads of airplanes and fleets of tanks. A few hours later will come gas bombardment of great commercial and industrial centers, killing hosts of civilians or driving them belowground
Caption 4: At least one great power is known to be at work on a machine by which lethal rays can be directed at the enemy's military and civil centers

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Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

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