Popular Science Monthly, v. 144, n. 2, 1944


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Popular Science Monthly, v. 144, n. 2, 1944

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Proposals for the re-use of military jeeps in the post-war period
Bullet-resistant glass
Collapsible one-room house developed as a portable unit for use by armed force
Modifications in the design of seadromes , floating airports to facilitate air travel between continents
Automatic cable cutters set along bombers' wings edges
Development of a physical-training program to strengthen soldiers
Training in knot-tying for engineer soldiers, in the form of an obstacle race
Military gliders, motorless aircrafts with soldiers and supplies transport function
An infiltration training device similar to a guillotine
A 75mm aircraft cannon mounted on a medium bomber
A bangalore torpedo placed by a snatch-block arrangement
A model of a ball-and-cap gun of civil war
S.S. Patrick Henry liberty ship model
A movable bleacher section drawn by a tug to taxi flyers and their equipment to and from planes
Plexiglas cups formed of the same material of bomber noses are used to restore painless motion in arthritic joints
Hobby clubs as morale builders for the men
Mock-ups help train flyers and familiarize with their future work conditions
A machine to check the security of fuses for hand grenades
PT boats camouflage patterns
A witch's broom tied to the mast of a modern warship as a gesture of good wishes
Anti-tank device which sprays inflammable liquid and ignite it when a tank passes over it
Hollow bullets to reduce the vacuum that retards other projectiles
Spherical bombs dropped by parachutes and propelled by internal gasoline engines
A PT-boat carrier that transport little torpedo boats.
Mannequins of plastic serve as models for designing planes and airmen's costumes