Death Rocket Rains Fiery Metal
Title (Dublin Core)
Death Rocket Rains Fiery Metal
Subject (Dublin Core)
Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)
Death Rocket Rains Fiery Metal. A Terrific New Weapon of Defense against Air Attacks
Caption 1: The new death-dealing rocket in the hands of its inventor, Ernest Welsh, of East Yorkshire, England. In place of the stick commonly used at the base of rockets are three vanes carefully made and adjusted to insure accurate flight. Mr. Welsh claims that the rocket, propelled by successive charges, can climb to a height of five miles
Caption 2: The rocket is three feet long and contains a destructive charge of pellets which, on bursting, throw ou a shower of molten metal
Caption 3: Our artist's conception of how batteries of rockets might be used effectively by the defenders of a besieged city to throw up a heavy barrage of flaming metal against attacking air forces
Contributor (Dublin Core)
Ernest Welsh (inventor)
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References (Dublin Core)
Archived by (Dublin Core)
Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)