Can We Fly at 50.000 Feet?
Title (Dublin Core)
Can We Fly at 50.000 Feet?
Subject (Dublin Core)
Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)
Can We Flight at 50.000 Feet? Dragging his planes to ever higher levels, man encounters deadly enemies in cold and low air pressure...can science conquer the stratosphere?
Contributor (Dublin Core)
William S. Friedman (writer)
Language (Dublin Core)
Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)
Date Issued (Dublin Core)
Is Part Of (Dublin Core)
pages (Bibliographic Ontology)
60-64, 212, 214
Rights (Dublin Core)
Public Domain (Google digitized)
Source (Dublin Core)
References (Dublin Core)
Archived by (Dublin Core)
Matteo Ridolfi
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)