Kings of Italy handkerchief
Title (Dublin Core)
Kings of Italy handkerchief
Description (Dublin Core)
At the centre of a white square handkerchief, the half size portrait of king Victor Emmanuel II with his son Prince Humbert, are framed in red and green around the borders. Under the portraits, the name of the subjects (VICTOR EMMANUEL II / et / le Prince Humbert son fils [Victor Emmanuel II and the prince Humbert his son]) then the name of the artist, A. Pingot (Victor Henri -Auguste PINGOT, lithographer, born in
Mantes (F), pupil of Lafosse, died in 1870 and from 1840 he exposed at the Salon), and the lithographic studio where the handkerchief was printed (Lith Beuriaux, Paris.)
Mantes (F), pupil of Lafosse, died in 1870 and from 1840 he exposed at the Salon), and the lithographic studio where the handkerchief was printed (Lith Beuriaux, Paris.)
Type (Dublin Core)
Subject (Dublin Core)
Vittorio Emanuele II e Umberto di Savoia
Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)
Date (Dublin Core)
Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)
Medium (Dublin Core)
Printed silk
Extent (Dublin Core)
84 cm (W)
89 cm (H)