"Viva l'indipendenza Italiana" handkerchief


Title (Dublin Core)

"Viva l'indipendenza Italiana" handkerchief

Description (Dublin Core)

Inside a tricolor frame on each corner is four time repeated the image of French and Italian crossing flags, hosting inside the shape of a wreath with the inscription Francia Italia.
At the center of the handkerchief, among the four groups of flags, stands the inscription "Viva L'indipendenza Italiana" [Long live Italian Independence].

Type (Dublin Core)

en Handkerchief

Subject (Dublin Core)

Italian independence

Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)

Date (Dublin Core)


Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)

Medium (Dublin Core)

Printed cotton

Extent (Dublin Core)

58 cm (W)
58 cm (H)

License (Dublin Core)

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Lucia Pigozzo

uri (Bibliographic Ontology)