Patriotic Pendant
Title (Dublin Core)
Patriotic Pendant
Description (Dublin Core)
A casted chalk circle with the profile portrait of pope Pio IX on one side and the profile portrait of re Carlo Alberto on the other side. The two portraits appears on a light blu (Savoia Blue) background. Each side of the pendant is covered in glass and some metal on the edge keeps everything (glasses and chalk) together, ending on a little hanging ring.
On the Pio IX side we read along the edge "PIO IX" (left hand side) / "P.M." (right hand side). On the Carlo Alberto side we read "CAR.ALBERTO" (left side)/ "RE DI SARD. & &"(right side).
On the Pio IX side we read along the edge "PIO IX" (left hand side) / "P.M." (right hand side). On the Carlo Alberto side we read "CAR.ALBERTO" (left side)/ "RE DI SARD. & &"(right side).
Type (Dublin Core)
Subject (Dublin Core)
Pio IX - Carlo Alberto
Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)
Date (Dublin Core)
1848 (about)
Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)
Medium (Dublin Core)
Extent (Dublin Core)
4,5 cm (d)