Three Tricolor Cockades
Title (Dublin Core)
Three Tricolor Cockades
Description (Dublin Core)
A group of three satin tricolor cockades. Nr.1 is composed by sewing together on the longest side, three rectangular pieces of silky satin, one white, one red and one green. Nr. 2 is composed by adding, one in the middle of the other, three layers of silky satin, the first wider and red, the second a bit smaller and green and the third, on the top, white and shaped as a square. Nr. 3 is composed by weaving a three-stripes (green white and red) silky satin fabric. The different order in which the three colors appear, can speak about slightly different dating of the three objects.
Type (Dublin Core)
Subject (Dublin Core)
Tricolore (Italian flag)
Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)
Date (Dublin Core)
1848 (about)
Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)
Medium (Dublin Core)
Extent (Dublin Core)
Nr.1 - 5 cm (w) 2,2 cm (h)
Nr.2 - 5,5 cm (w) 2 cm (h)
Nr.3 3,5 cm (w) 2 cm (h)