Four Tricolor Cockades


Title (Dublin Core)

Four Tricolor Cockades

Description (Dublin Core)

A group of four tricolor silk cockades.
Nr. 1 - Is composed by stitching together 12 little pieces of silk, each folded into a triangular shape. They are joined around a centre to create a three layers (1st red, 2nd green, 3rd white) 8 pointed cockade;
Nr. 2 - Is made with 8 little pieces of silk, 3 green, 3 red and 2 white, each folded into a triangle, and stitched around a centre to create a two layers eight pointed star. Since it is almost impossible to make the central holding stitches invisible, 4 little rectangular pieces of fabric and a white button have been added to neat the centre up;
Nr. 3 - This cockade is made stitching together around a center (and alternating the color green white and red), 12 strips of silk, each folded in the shape of a petal, to create a flower. The button of the flower is again made with folded and smaller white silky stripes;
Nr. 4 - Four (1st red, 2nd green, 3rd and 4th white) little pieces of silky ribbon, each rotate 90 degrees from the other, joined in the middle to create a 4 layers cockade.

Type (Dublin Core)

en Cockade

Subject (Dublin Core)

Tricolore (Italian flag)

Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)

Date (Dublin Core)

1840 - 1860

Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)

Medium (Dublin Core)


Extent (Dublin Core)

Nr. 1 - 4 cm (w) x 4 cm (h)
Nr. 2 - 5 cm (w) x 5 cm (h)
Nr. 3 - 6 cm (w) x 6 cm (h)
Nr. 4 - 3,5 cm (w) x 3,5 cm (h)

License (Dublin Core)

uri (Bibliographic Ontology)