Leopold II's army Helmet


Title (Dublin Core)

Leopold II's army Helmet

Description (Dublin Core)

A "boiled" leather skull, with decoration and spike made in brass . The central plaque bears the inscription "Leopoldo II" and a crown, as symbol of his regal power. This is actually a Helmet of the Civic Guard of Leopold II Grand Duchy of Tuscany, 1847-8. It might come from an Austrian manufactory.

Type (Dublin Core)

en Helm

Subject (Dublin Core)

Leopoldo II's army

Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)

Date (Dublin Core)


Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)


Medium (Dublin Core)

"Boiled" leather
brass metal

Extent (Dublin Core)

30,1 cm (h)
26,2 cm (d)

License (Dublin Core)

uri (Bibliographic Ontology)