Tricolor Handkerchief
Title (Dublin Core)
Tricolor Handkerchief
Description (Dublin Core)
In this printed silk handkerchief, a red central cross divides into four equal parts the surface. Each quarter is either green or white. The two white parts lay on one diagonal and the two green ones lay on the other. This whole composition is enclosed into a red squared line and into three decreasing frames, whose colors - again green, red and white - echo the Italian "tricolore" .
At the very center of the central cross a circle is formed by the white characters of a latin inscription saying "in hoc signo vinces".
At the very center of the central cross a circle is formed by the white characters of a latin inscription saying "in hoc signo vinces".
Type (Dublin Core)
Subject (Dublin Core)
Tricolore (italian flag)
Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)
Date (Dublin Core)
Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)
Medium (Dublin Core)
Printed silk
Extent (Dublin Core)
83 (w)
85 (h)