Tricolor Handkerchief


Title (Dublin Core)

Tricolor Handkerchief

Description (Dublin Core)

On a white silk handkerchief, three decreasing squared shapes, red, white and green are framing the inscription "ITALIA LIBERA DIO LO VUOLE!!" The first two words lay on the upper part of the squared area, the word "Dio" lies isolated right in the middle, surrounded by rays creating a kind of halo, and the last two words are set on the lower part of the area.
“Italia libera Dio lo vuole” [Free Italy God will it] recalls Vincenzo Gioberti's thinking, i.e. a confederation of all the states of Italy with the pope as their head [1].
This specific motto will be set into the official tricolore flag and the coins of the "Governo Centrale provvisorio di Lombardia" (April 8th 1848 – August 2nd 1848)

Type (Dublin Core)

en Handkerchief

Subject (Dublin Core)

Tricolore (Italian flag)

Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)

Date (Dublin Core)


Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)

Medium (Dublin Core)

Printed silk

Extent (Dublin Core)

90 cm (w)
84 cm (h)

Provenance (Dublin Core)

License (Dublin Core)

uri (Bibliographic Ontology)