Tricolor Hankerchief
Title (Dublin Core)
Tricolor Hankerchief
Description (Dublin Core)
In this square handkerchief, red white and green decreasing frames are surrounding the black and white allegorical image of Italy. She is portrayed as a standing woman, wearing a Phrygian heat, her feet on clouds, holding in her right a tricolor flag.
Beside this flag is a bunch of other five tricolor flags, while beside her left hand the shape of a shield bears the words "Lungi i tiranni stranieri! Lungi le divisioni interiori! Ritrovi l'Italia nell'unità l'antica forza e libertà". The sun is shining behind her head, and around its rays eleven smaller decreasing shields bears the names of Italian regional country seats; starting with Rome, we can read Milan, Turin, Genoa [?], Naples [?]... This item or a similar one was exhibit in Turin in 1961 [1] [2].
This allegorical image of Italy is different from the traditional one, which normally has a fortification as heat, and a star shining on her.
Beside this flag is a bunch of other five tricolor flags, while beside her left hand the shape of a shield bears the words "Lungi i tiranni stranieri! Lungi le divisioni interiori! Ritrovi l'Italia nell'unità l'antica forza e libertà". The sun is shining behind her head, and around its rays eleven smaller decreasing shields bears the names of Italian regional country seats; starting with Rome, we can read Milan, Turin, Genoa [?], Naples [?]... This item or a similar one was exhibit in Turin in 1961 [1] [2].
This allegorical image of Italy is different from the traditional one, which normally has a fortification as heat, and a star shining on her.
Type (Dublin Core)
Subject (Dublin Core)
Unified Italy
Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)
Date (Dublin Core)
1850 - 1860
Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)
Medium (Dublin Core)
Printed silk
Extent (Dublin Core)
87 cm (W)
87 cm (h)