Patriotic handkerchief


Title (Dublin Core)

Patriotic handkerchief

Description (Dublin Core)

Surrounded by a decreasing tricolor (blu red and yellow) frame, the white square handkerchief bears the black and white half length figure portrait of Pio IX, Leopoldo II and Carlo Alberto. Each portrait is set on the vertex of an ideal triangle, whit the pope on the higher position, and is lined with an oval frame showing the coat of arm of each head of state and his name. The top part of the composition. Laurel leaves line the bottom part of the portraits composition, while the top bears the inscription "Lode ai tre principi riformatori che hanno stretto più forte il nodo di Fratellanza fra i Piemontesi, i Romani e i Toscani" [prize to the three reformer governors, who strengthened the brotherhood among Piedmont, Tuscany and Rome people]. This kind of handkerchief was probably produced in France and then sold in Italy. [1]

Type (Dublin Core)

en Handkerchief

Subject (Dublin Core)

Pio IX, Leopoldo II di Toscana, Carlo Alberto di Savoia

Temporal Coverage (Dublin Core)

Date (Dublin Core)


Spatial Coverage (Dublin Core)

Medium (Dublin Core)

Printed silk

Extent (Dublin Core)

87,5 cm (W)
83,5 cm (H)

Provenance (Dublin Core)

License (Dublin Core)

uri (Bibliographic Ontology)