The Swiftest and Biggest Battle Cruisers in the World


Title (Dublin Core)

The Swiftest and Biggest Battle Cruisers in the World

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The Swiftest and Biggest Battle Cruisers in the World. The power plant which drives New York's subway trains develops 65,000 horsepower - less than 40% of that required to drive our proposed battle cruisers at a speed of 35 knots. Never in our naval history has such a power plant been installed in a ship
Caption 1: Our new battleships are the most daring ever proposed. They will have a length of 850 feet between perpendiculars and an over-all length of 874 feet. What that means is shown by the comparison with the New York's public library and adjacent Fifth Avenue buildings in this picture. They will cost 16,500,000 each. It will take 180.000 horsepower to drive one at 35 knots.
Caption 2: Comparison between the proposed cruiser and New York city streets. These cruisers will have ten fourteen-inch, twenty five inch and four three-inch anti-air-craft guns besides eight torpedo-tubes.

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Public domain

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Besleu Dinu
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

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