Tricks of the war photographer
Title (Dublin Core)
Tricks of the war photographer
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Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)
Tricks of the "War Photographer". How a remarkable "air battle" is staged thousands of miles from any battle-field - in New York!
Caption 1: Photograph of a balloon that was set on fire at Sheepshead Bay, New York, by Rodman Law. It is used to represent a bomb explosion
Caption 2: A close-up photograph of an aeroplane belonging to the Allies. The same picture is used again and again but differently focused and in various positions
Caption 3: Before the actual exposures were made, a sheet of white paper of the same size as an enlarging paper, was placed on an enlarging board. The different negatives, with the exception of the cloud negative shown on the right, were thrown on it through an enlarging came, and the relative sizes and positions marked out. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are exposures of the same negative through a ragged hole in a sheet of paper held between the light from the lens of camera and the paper on the enlarging board. Numbers 7, 8, 9 and 10 are differently focused views of the same aeroplane
Caption 4: The photograph marked 9 is the same as number 10 except that the latter is differently focused
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Besleu Dinu
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)