Sound bomb
Title (Dublin Core)
Sound bomb
Subject (Dublin Core)
Article Title and/or Image Caption (Dublin Core)
The Germans Are Coming! Sound Bombs Soar Into the Air to Warn London of Air Raids
Caption 1: When air raiders approach London warning is now given by sound bombs which rise three hundred feet before exploding. Above is shown the mortar which is used for firing the rockets. They get results
Caption 2: Inserting the time fuse in a rocket before sending it aloft. The bombs produce a tremendous noise which can be heard over great areas. London has come to know this helpful "run to cover" signal
Caption 3: Putting the bomb, or rocket in the mortar. As is evident, the mechanism for firing is simple. It can quickly be mounted on the top of a wall or on a convenient roof
Caption 4: Fire! The operator simply pulls a lanyard attached to the fuse and away goes the bomb high over the city. When many bombs are exploding the noise is deafening
Caption 5: Cleaning out the mortar after firing. Since the mortar is short, this is not difficult. London plans to have smoke bombs for use during the day, so that smoke clouds as well as loud detonations may warn the people
Contributor (Dublin Core)
Int. Film Serv. (photos)
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Rights (Dublin Core)
Public Domain (Google digitized)
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Archived by (Dublin Core)
Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)