War Camouflage


Title (Dublin Core)

War Camouflage

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Where "distance lends enchantment to the view". Here is a group of interesting examples of the fine art of war camouflage.
Caption 1: Need a range of mountains? Why certainly-right away, sir. In this picture the hills are pure fabrication. The camoufleurs can grow mountain
ranges like mushrooms if the necessity should arise
Caption 2: Italians building a strange and wonderful structure for the benefit of Fritz. In this branch of the war game the quotation "things are not what they seem" applies very aptly. Any given thing is likely to be anything else in the world—apparently
Caption 3: A corduroy communication road with a deceptive screen of foliage. It looks crude enough here but not when seen from the sky
Caption 4: From an airman's point of view, this road gives the appearance of mere floating clouds, by virtue of the burlap stretched across it
Caption 5: Even dressing-stations are not immune from Boche attack, and grim experience has taught the advisability of hiding them. This particular station among the mountains is hidden by a tent-like piece of canvas, painted to match the surroundings
Caption 6: The commencement of a camouflage screen is much like the setting up of a "set-piece" on Fourth of July. Here the skeleton of a road screen is going up. Later the canvas will be applied and suitably painted with a self-effacing color scheme. The object of this particular piece of protective coloring is to screen off a road so that troops and supplies can be moved along it while hidden from the enemy's direction by the skilfully painted screen
Caption 7: This is an absolute work of art. It traverses the Astico Valley, and is truly making very much of a virtue of necessity

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Int. Film Serv. (photos)
Underwood and Underwood (photo)
Kadel and Herbert (photo)

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Public Domain (Google digitized)

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Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

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