H. M. S. Eagle
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H. M. S. Eagle
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This Flying-Field is the Deck of a Ship
Caption 1: H. M. S. Eagles, of the British navy, is a mammoth aircraft-carrier. The flat upper deck was built for airplanes "taking off" and landing. The displacement of the vessel is more than 30,000 tons. During the war was in service, under the name of the Almirante Cochrane. Not the displacement of the bridges and smokestack from the center to the extreme edge of the starbord side
Caption 2: The war showed that a fleet is helpless without aircraft. While seaplanes have the advantage of being able to alight on water, they are not entirely satisfactory. Land machines have proved to be more so. But a great deal of space is required to accomodate these airships, more than a battleship can afford. Hence the Eagle, provided with a large flat deck, is one of the latest acquisitions of Great Britain's navy
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Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)