Japan's super-dreadnaught


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Japan's super-dreadnaught

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First Picture of Japan's new super-dreadnaughts, Naval Monsters which Surpass America's Mightiest
Caption: The first published drawing of Japan's new monster battleships, which are about to be launched. Features worthy of special attention are the six-legged foremast, the high placement of the secondary batteries, the unusual searchlight equipment, the powerful anti-aircraft protection, and the deck torpedo tubes. These ships, with their huge displacement of 41,800 tons, their terrific gun power of ten sixteen-inch guns and twenty-two 5.5-inch guns, and their speed, when forced, of almost twenty-five knots, will be probably the most formidable fighting units in the world when completed
Caption 2: A diagram showing how modern battleships, as the Japanese Kaga, are protected against both aircraft bombs and broadside hits. A bomb exploding alongside may strain the plates, but it will not actually blow a hole in the side. Sixteen-inch shells, with their high trajectory, may penetrate one or more decks, but their force will be localized

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Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

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