A Super-Junkyard for Battleships


Title (Dublin Core)

A Super-Junkyard for Battleships

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A Super-Junkyard for Battleships. Torches Cut 18-Inch Steel Armor into Five-Foot Lenghts and Giant Shears Snip Destroyers Apart in Newest Industry
Caption 1: Once the most powerful unit of the Atlantic fleet, the 13,500-ton battleship "Maine", is being ripped apart in the super-junkyard. At the right is the cruiser "Columbia"
Caption 2: How the waterline belt of 11-inch hull armor is cut away is shown in this close-up view of the battleship "Maine". Above the armor belt-note the barbettes emptied of their six-imch rifles
Caption 3: Tiny granddaddy of all successful submarines, the Holland "A-1 Plunger" is being scrapped on the deck of the partially dismantled monitor "Puritan"
Caption 4: Arrows point to holes burned through 13-inch guns in the main battery ot the battleship "Wisconsin" to prevent possibility of their use as a deadly weapon
Caption 5: With this machine to guide the oxyacetylene torch, the workman makes a clean, straight cut through a 25-ton strip of 11-inch hull armor, sawing it into five-foot lengths. The torch is moved by the mechanism along a chalk line

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Filippo Valle
Alberto Bordignon (Supervisor)

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